Burlington Cultural Lessons


Our students have taken part in the cultural lessons led by Danny, a teacher from Burlington publishing house. 1st Batxillerat students have enjoyed “A Trip to the UK”, while 4th ESO students have discovered curious facts from “English Speaking Countries”.
Language, culture and sense of humour, the perfect mix for a great lesson!

Class Debate

Should sport teams be punished if their fans behave badly at matches? Is success in sport due to hard work or talent? Are the wages paid to elite sport players justified? Both groups of 2nd Batxillerat have been actively engaged in a class debate to discuss such topics. Providing our students with the right scenarios to put into practice what they have studied in class helps them develop their critical thinking and strengthen their communicative competences.
Well done, students!

Debate in English

After having been trained in class with the help of Sam, 1rst Batxillerat students have held their debates in the English lesson. Issues such as “The need of setting rules for social networks” and “Living in a city is the choice with more opportunities” have been successfully dealt with. We are proud of their good job!

Sam is back


This academic year Sam Smith is again with us. He is an English teacher who works together with our Foreign Language Department to help students improve their communicative skills. This project has been possible thanks to the fundings provided by the AFA.
Let’s boost our English!

Aquest curs el Sam Smith continua amb nosaltres. És un professor anglès que treballa amb el Departament d’Idiomes per millorar les competències comunicatives de l’alumnat. Aquest projecte és possible gràcies a la subvenció de l’AFA.
Millorem el nostre anglès!

2n ESO a Saragossa

L’alumnat de 2n d’ESO ha visitat Saragossa. Allí ha participat en un Escaperoom en llengua anglesa, ha gaudit d’una visita guiada exterior de La Seo i ha conegut el Museu del Teatre Romà. Tota una jornada de descoberta!

Etwinning Project “Easter is Better Together”

Today 2nd E and F students have concluded our eTwinning project about spring traditions. They have been able to present some Catalan traditions such as Easter holidays, “La Mona” and St Jordi to Croatian pupils. The final activity has been an online meeting. They have been able to communicate in English successfully and learn about different European realities. Great job!

Easter is Better Together










L’alumnat de 2n E i F participa online en el projecte Etwinning “Easter is Better Together” sobre les celebracions de primavera en diferents països europeus. Avui han realitzat un primer contacte directe via Zoom amb l’escola de Croàcia Elementary School Župa Dubrovačka en el que s’han pogut presentar entre ells en llengua anglesa.

My English friend

L’alumnat de 3r que realitza l’Aprenentatge i Serveis del Departament d’Idiomes ha fet de professors a un grupet d’alumnes de 1r d’ESO. Els han ajudat a reforçar l’anglès i han resolt dubtes. L’aprenentatge entre iguals és una bona eina per totes dues parts.

Culture lessons

This morning 4th ESO and 2nd Batxillerat students have attended “Culture Lessons” courtesy of Burlington Books. Danny has been an engaging speaker who has taught us aspects of English speaking countries and some hints about British literature.