Science Project. Simpson Toad 1ESO C

We’re agoing to tolk about Simpson Toad.

This animal (Simpson Toad) is very strange and very dificult found. It’s scientific name is rhinella yunga.

They’re live in the west of Colombia. This strange specie eats insects, raincoat flys, mosquitos ants and dragonflys.

They love this food becouse it provides a lot of energy. They has small and ugly eyes, 4 legs and similar colour to the leaves. This specie measure about 3 cm of height and 4-5 cm of lenght. They weight about 50-200 grams.

In times of rain, they reproduce. It is a very particular creature becouse is diferent from other similar species of amphibians, they skip the tadlope stage, and are born directly as frogs smalls.

This animal takes carefully their tadpoles back to deposit them in water so that they complet their devolopment of growth.

Simson Toads are living about 7 or 8 years maximum.

This animal is less venomous than other frogs, as it is said that its venom to given origin to many chemicals that are exposed which are useful to humans.

In conclusion: we think that Simpson Toad is a small and ugly animal, but this does not mean that we think it is a horrible animal, on the contrary, we think that it’s a fantastic animal and still have to investigate about he.






by: Guillem Egea Pascual, Òscar Montón Garcia, Claudia Urbano Valdivia.

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