Science project. Axolotl 1ESO E


Descripton: a sexually, wature abult axollot, at age 18-24 wonths, ranges in length from 15-45 cm, (6-18) in, althoug a size close to 23cm (9 in) is most comun and greater. Axolotls of various cotours occur in copty, incluiding greay shades of brown, leveistic (white, with, black eyes). The name axolotl « comes from the aztec lenguage, «nahuatl» one of the most popular translations of the name connects the axolot to the god of deformation and theat ,xolot, white the most.Comunications, and acepted is water-dog,is for water for all from the water, and xalot,witch can also weach dog. Than 30 cm(12 in) is rare. Axolotls posses features typical of salampud larve incluing external gills an caudal fiu extending from behing the heat to the vent, very stroungs .

Habitat ecology: the Axolt is only native to lake xochmilco and lake chalco in central Mexico. Neoteny: Axolotls exhibit neoteny, meaning they reach sexual maturity without undergoing metamorphosi.


Food for Axolotls:

Axolotls are carnivores, implying they require a meat-based diet.

Eric Casnelles, Eric Muñoz i Raquel Rifà


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