Science project.Lysinibacillus sphaericus


Lysinibacillus sphaericus is a Gram positive bacterium in the floor, mesophyll that born naturally. It was isolated of a screw place in China on 1987.
In extreme conditions Lysinibacillus sphaericus can produce endospores (that are cells that its function is secure the surviving of the living organism) its are resistant to hot temperatures, chemical products and ultraviolet light.
It’s used like an alternative of the biologic insect control, principally of Zacundos or mosquitoes transmitters of illness and for the clean of the water affected by petrol spillage.
Is an common ambiental organism that produces an insecticide toxin similar to the produced by the Bacillus thuhingiensis.
Is an important organism for study because can be used like a insecticide toxin that controls the rise of the mosquitoes.
This organism, join as similar organisms, it’s used in insect control programs for reduce the population of the species transmitting illness like Malaria, the Yellow fever and the Nilo’s occidental virus.
Lysinibacillus sphaericus can reduce the molecules of the petrol, so the water and the contaminated floors with oily muds because the oil exploration can come back to vegetal and animal life. In Colombia scientists cultivate and strew this bacterium for eliminate the pollution.

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