Today we talk about the frilled shark,its scientific name is Chlamydoselachus anguineu. The caracteristic of the frilled shark are: considered a living fossil. It reaches a leength of 4 meters and prehistoric shark has a dark brown colour, and eel body but has a shark head. It body has got a dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins in its back. It’s common name comes from the appearence of frills or fringes of the gill gifts.

The frilled shark capture its prey by bending, its body and launching a snake. The frilled shark eats crustances, fishes and other small sharks. It lives in the Pacific ocean and in the Atlantic ocean. Lives in the intermediate point of the sea where the water is warm and are more preys. In the reproduction first the female is fertilized. Then the eggs hatch in the belly, but old of the eggs only survive the 3 first, because they eat their brothers while their are in the belly of their mother.

We believe this is the most strange specie because it’s preheistoric and is very diferent then the other sharks, because has got 6 gills on its neck and has 27 rows of teeths in theis mouth. gills on its neck and has 27 rows of teeths in theis mouth. Resultat d'imatges de tiburon volante


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