Science Project. BAWENG SATANIC LEAF GECKO (Uroplatus phantasticus) 1ESO D

BAWENG SATANIC LEAF GECKO (Uroplatus phantasticus)

We think that Urophlatus phantasticus is the strangest animal of the world, because it’s like a leaf.

The baweng satanic leaf gecko, also known as the eyelash leaf gecko one the fantastic leaf lilied gecko, it’s a specie of lacertilian squamous reptile of the genus Uroplatus genus.

This salamander is founded in a little part of Madagascar; it’s an arboreal species that relies on its natural camouflage in the northern and central tropical forest of Madagascar.

  When the awing satanic leaf gecko it’s an adult her length is 66mm to 1,52cm long, including the tail. The gecko occurs in a variety of colours, including hurt of purple, orange and yellow, but often brown, with small black dots on the underside that help to distinguish it from similar species.

The adhesive scales under their fingers and toes under stony cuber claws enable them to move a drupten.

Like many reptiles the Baweng satanic leaf gecko is oviparous. Reproduction starts at the beginning of the rainy season, when it lays two spherical eggs into the ground under leaf litter, or in the dead leaves of plants. The geckos eat insects and other invertebrate                                                       animals,  like warms, but adults can eat some small vertebrate animals.

By: Martina Napoli, Adrià Valcarcel and Román Pérez.

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