Science Project. Thorny Devil Dragon 1ESO E


The Thorny Devil Dragon is an Australian lizard. Its scientific name is Moloch Horridus. It lives in desert places of Australia. Its body is covered by thorns to defend itself from predators. Thanks to its color it is very good camouflaging itself in the desert. It eats ants and other small insects, this lizard can drink water through its skin.

The Thorny devil dragon is only 20 centimeters of length. Its color is brown and yellow. This animal can live 20-30 years. All the lizards has a bulge in the back. This lizard is oviparous. It means that it born of an egg. If the lizard has bigger thorns, it is easy to mate with a female lizard.

BY : Ginés Mata, Alejandra Morera and Andrian Savciuc.


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