Science project. Sphynx cat 1ESO C


The sphynx is a breed of cat. The most striking features is the apparence, it hasn’t got fur.

Its slim and slender. The sphynx is a medium-zized cat, alongated and muscular. The head very angulated, with the very salted checkbones. The ears are big and separated. The skin forms folds in the snout, ears shoulders and legs.The coat is limited to a very fine hair that resembles a suede. As for colors , all varieties and combinations are accepted.The Sphynx cat has a life expectancy of between 9 and 15 years.The Sphynx cat is friendly ,sociable, and affectionate .This breed of cat is very sersitive to cold , humidity and sun , so living in an apartament is ideal for it.

The ideal is to provide the Egyptian cat with a balanced meal of industrial manufacture . Our conclusien is than the Sphynx cat is a breed of cat very strange because it hasn’t fur

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