Brugulat school is witness to a murder at manor house

1st and 2nd of ESO students from our school attended a murder mystery play, called ‘Murder at Manor House’, in Teatre Municipal Banyoles. This LOOK OUT’s Productions performance is set in a country house on a cold snowy night. David Black has invited some friends to dinner but during the evening he is murdered.
Murder at Manor House is based on the popular board game Cluedo and has all the ingredients of a great WHODUNIT, a play in which the identity of the murderer is not revealed until the end.
Kasandra Scarlet, Professor Plum, Mrs Peacock, Jacob Green, Jack Mustard and Mrs White are the main characters in the plot and they are all suspects of the murder. Our students have followed the clues throughout the play to deduce who they think the murderer is. And Brugulat students did it right… Good job! Great detective skills!!!

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