El dia 6 d’abril es commemora el Dia Mundial de l’Activitat Física amb la intenció de reduir el sedentarisme i promoure hàbits de salut i benestar. Per aquest motiu, el Consell Comarcal ha organitzat una sessió de CrossFit per a l’alumnat de la Comunitat de Joves. Aquesta sessió es va realitzar dimecres dia 3 a la plaça del poble. Al mateix temps, el Consell Esportiu ha gestionat una Trobada Esportiva per a 2n d’ESO de diferents centres educatius.

Amb el lema de la campanya MOU-TE, I VIU FELIÇ, la Secretaria General d’Esport i Activitat Física (SGEAF) i l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya (ASPCAT) volen generar iniciatives compromeses amb la promoció d’hàbits de vida activa, per tota la població, tot seguint les recomanacions de la OMS.

Group mobility to Italy

Our students from 2n ESOB have been to Italy recently in a group mobility. Our partners are from San Vicenzo Valle Roveto, Balsorano and Roccavivi. We had the opportunity to know more about the area, their way of living in the mountain, their school system, their organization in different school buildings, etc. The families and teachers received us with a very nice welcome, also with the collaboration of institutions, who also participated in some activities.

We collaborated in activities together, making Erasmus objectives more real by participating directly in a mobility. This is always a great experience for students and teachers. The people of the area welcomed us everywhere we went, they were very friendly and nice.

We also had the opportunity to visit Rome and Napoli and learn about the history of these cities.

It has been a fantastic experience for ALL.


Divendres dia 15 de març el nostre centre va celebrar la III JORNADA APADRINEM EL NOSTRE PATRIMONI: PINYERES dintre d’un projecte que finalitza enguany i que ha tingut una durada de tres cursos escolars. Amb aquest projecte, s’ha volgut fer valdre un element del patrimoni cultural de Batea, com és Pinyeres i l’Algars.

La jornada d’enguany, ha consistit en una Gimcana pel poble de Batea on ha participat alumnat de la Comunitat de Mitjans, Grans i Joves, tot compartint un matí de jocs i activitats que han estat dissenyades, organitzades i dirigides per alumnat de 3r i 4t d’ESO amb proves tan diverses com el penjat, sopes de lletres, punteria en gots, reptes matemàtics, creació de rimes, recerca de figures geomètriques, ordena la frase, elabora la línia del temps, troba la parella, recerca d’objectes, dianes de punts i endevinalles. Tot allò amb una temàtica comuna, Pinyeres i el seu entorn, l’Algars.

Esperem que tots i totes hàgiu gaudit d’una estona lúdica i d’aprenentatge que ens ajudi a valorar i conviure amb el nostre entorn. Enhorabona a l’alumnat per la feina feta. Bon treball!

Hosting students from Buxtehude, Germany

Students from 2nd ESO hosted during 1 week some students from Buxtehude, Germany (March 2024).

These students came here to share and learn with us. We had some activities in the school, others in the nature, in the businesses of the area…so that we all learn about the life in other countries, we can compare them, and we work in order to be more sustainable in the future thanks to collaboration.

All this is thanks to the Accreditation of the Erasmus programme. We also have the collaboration from the townhall of Batea and the Consell Comarcal of Terra Alta.



Viatge a Brusel·les, premi Què és per a tu Europa?

“Un passat per un present” és el vídeo que ens ha permès viatjar a Brussel·les i conèixer de prop la unió Europea i les seves institucions. És un projecte que duem a terme a Repte Emprèn.

Un grup de 6 alumnes de 4t d’ESO (que l’any passat feien 3r d’ESO) va guanyar la convocatòria 2023 dels premis Què és per a tu Europa, de la Fundació Catalunya Europa. Van poder anar a Brussel·les acompanyades de Miquel Carrillo, responsable de l’oficina de l’eurodiputat Jordi Solé.

Va ser una experiència realment interessant i ben aprofitada. Van poder accedir a diferents sales i espais, museus, etc, que hi ha a Brussel·les per conèixer de prop les funcions de la Unió Europea. Van poder participar en un debat amb l’eurodiputat Jordi Solé i també amb altres experts que treballen a les delegacions de la UE.

Hem entès que votar és necessari, i que és un dret pel que hem de lluitar per mai perdre’l.

Hosting students from Europe

Thanks to Erasmus accreditation we have a lot of opportunities for learning and sharing. We have just hosted some students from Italy who were studying in our school for 20 days.

They are from Taranto, a city in Italy. They have been in the class of 3rd of ESO and they have participated in several activities, they have learnt about culture, traditions, our school system and methodologies, etc.

We hope it was a great experience for them.



Another mobility to an European country thanks to Erasmus Accreditation!!
9 students from our high school are in Česká Ves, Czech Republic, to live with hosting families. They are attending classes in the high school ZŠ Česká Ves, where they are participating in several teambuildings and workshops. And what’s the most important, they are meeting new people, they are having a lot of fun and are learning from other cultures in Europe, improving their level of English and, perhaps, learning some Czech too.
They are having a great time there and they are learning a lot. This will be a great experience for them!

Short term mobilities in Germany

Thanks to Erasmus Accreditation we are having 3 of our students in Buxtehude, Germany. They are studying in the Gymnasium Buxtehude Süd. They are there during 20 days to learn and improve their language skills. Besides, they are living with a German family so it means they are learning about German life, too.

The objectives are that students improve social skills, languages, knowledge about other cultures and traditions, life in another country, etc. They tell us that the experience is great!

Carnaval 2024

El passat divendres 9 de febrer vam posar fi a la setmana del carnaval amb totes les consignes. Vestits de cuineres i cuiners vam celebrar-ho amb una festa al pati del centre, on vam ballar les coreografies que havíem preparat, presentades i amenitzades pel grup de 5è. Al matí, l’alumnat de la CdJ ja s’havia reunit al hall de l’institut per moure’s al ritme de “Y.M.C.A” de Village People.