As you know, Jo, Indy’s mum, has been coming every Monday to the school to help our students to improve their oral skills in English.
She has been reading different books with Petits to introduce the language in an easy and fun way! With Mitjans she read books in which the vocabulary could be related to what they were learning. Finally, with Grans she has been playing oral games to improve fluency in speaking. All the kids have enjoyed it and it was a great experience for everyone!
This week it has been her last one coming to the school.  For this reason, we gathered around, thanked her and gave her a little present.
We would like to thank her for everything she has done. It has been a pleasure to work with you and we hope to see you soon back in school!


Avui a l’escola hem muntat una casa del terror (haunted house). Les alumnes de 4t, 5è i 6è han muntat diferents escenes de por per a les més petites de l’escola…A les sortides del migdia i la tarda també han entrat a la casa les mares, pares, àvies i avis, germanes, ex-alumnes…

Aquest any hem afegit a l’espectacle que cada personatge deia una frase en anglès…Tothom ho ha fet molt bé!

Mentre les més grans preparaven la “haunted house” les mitjanes i petites han fet els panellets, que ens els menjarem demà. A més a més farem un esmorzar amb fruita de la tardor.




During this school year we have worked on short projects that we have discussed below. It has served to work on oral expression. During the first quarter we produced a tourist guide for the town of L’Estany. The students looked for the main places of interest (the monastery, the Town Hall, the school, the walking routes …), the services of the town (doctor, post office, stores and restaurants). It was interesting to know different things about our town.

In the second quarter we worked in English-speaking countries. In cooperative groups we worked in England, Australia, New Zealand, USA or Canada. Each group placed the country on the map of the world, explained its flag and national anthem. We also discovered the main dishes of each country or national sports.

Finally, during the third quarter we have worked on inventions and inventors. We are experts on the wheel, Xbox, Alexander Bell, Marie Curie or on the bike.

In all these works the students have demonstrated a  level of English and have worked hard to explain it orally. Good job!


Aquesta tarda ens hem menjat la Mona al pati, ja que feia molt bon temps i ha estat una manera de despedir-nos abans de les vacances. Aquest ha estat el resultat final del què vam començar ahir.

Vam reunir-nos els més grans i petits per fer 3 mones. Entre totes vam fer les tortada i les vam guardar fins avui. La classe dels mitjans, la Televisió, vam fer una altra Mona sense gluten ni lactosa.

Aquest matí les hem decorat amb xocolata, melmelada, serradures de xocolata i plomes. Les hem guardat fins aquesta tarda. Abans de menjar la mona, aquesta tarda, ens hem reunit totes en assamblea per parlar de com volem el pati de l’escola. Han sortit moltes idees que ara s’han de madurar entre tota la comunitat educativa. Tot seguit hem parlat de les tradicions com la Mona a països anglosaxons, que és l’egg hunting (buscar ous amagats) i això hem fet. Ens hem atipat d’ous i Mona.

Bones vacances de primavera a tothom! Ens tornem a veure el dimarts, 3 d’abril. Salut i sigueu molt felices!


This week we worked about My best friend topic in Iphone’s class. We talked about their friends…At the end they wrote some lines about their best friend:


Hello, I am Guillem. I am from Catalonia. I live in l’Estany. I am 12 years old. I have lots of friends. My best friend is Pau. Pau is a boy, he lives in Moià. He is 13 year old. His favorite sport is running. He is championship of nunning and he is a very intelligent.


Hello, i am Marta. I am from Catalonia. I live in L’Estany. I am 10th years old. I have lot of friends. My best friend is Alexandra.

She is very friendly. We are friends since we were 1 years old. She loves skate. She has 10th years old too. Bye.


Hello, I am Nil. I am from Catalonia. I live in L’Estany. I am ten years old. I have lots of friend. My best friend is Guillem. Guillem is a boy. He is always happy. He is very funny too. Guillem is 12 years old. He studies 6th grade in primary school. We study in the same class. He is tall and thin. He is very intelligent. He loves sports. His favourite sport is football. He is forward in his team. Bye!!!


My best friend

Hello,i am Pablo. I am from catalonia. I live in l’Estany. I am nine  years old. I have lots of friends. My best friend is Pep. Pep is a  boy. Pep is intelligent. Pep is ten years old. He studies 4th grade in a primary school. We study in same class  He wear glasses. Pep likes video games. He has playstation 4 and loves Ark survival and Battlefront 2.


Hello, i am Marc. I am from catalonia. I live in Moià. I am  10 years old .  I have  lots of friends. My  best friend  is Guillem. He is 12 years old . He lives in L’Estany. He is a boy. He is tall. He has  a green eyes. He has brown hair.His  favorite sport is football. He loves to  play videogames. He is very inteligent . Bye!


Hello, I am sergi, I am Catalonia, I live in Moià, I am 10 years old. I have  lots friends. My best friend is Pol. He has 9 years old. He lives in the L’Estany. He has short and black hair and brown eyes. His favorite food is croquette. Pol is a great friend, bye! 


Hello, I am Ingrid. I am from Catalonia. I am catalan. I live in l’Estany. I am eleven years old. I have lots of friends.  My best friend is Xeila. Xeila is a girl. She is twelve years old. She lives in Andorra. She study first grade in a secondary school. She is very funny. She’s thin and tall. Her favourite subject is music and maths. Her favourite hobby is skate, play with the snow and listen music. We meet each summer. Xeila is greate!


Hello, I am Pep. I am from Catalonia. I live in l’Estany. I am 10 years old. I have lots of friends. My best friend is Pablo. He  has brown short hair. He is short. He is a boy. We study in the same class. He is funny. He is intelligent. He likes videogames. He likes Nintendo 3ds. He study 4th grade.


Hello, i am pol. I am from Catalonia. I live in L`Estany. I am nine years old. I have lots of friends. My best friend is Sergi.He is ten years  old, he lives in Moià. He is short and curly brown hair, his favorite food is spaghetti. He is 5th grade. We study in the same class.


Hello. I am Zoe.I am from Spain. I live in Moià. I am 11 years  old. I have a lots of  friends. My best friend is Noa. Shes is 11 years old. She lives in Moia .She is tall. She is blond hair and she loves sports. She goes to the champioship in Cerdanyola. She plays basquetball. She is a funny friend, bye!



Com alguns ja sabeu, els alumnes de la classe dels Iphones, els dijous al matí treballen una part de l’àrea de medi en anglès. A science, aquests mesos han estat treballant la llum, i una de les activitats més vistoses que han fet ha estat dibuixar amb els lots. Els alumnes amb la seva creativitat i imaginació van ser capaços de dibuixar moltes coses! Mireu, mireu!



Today we celebrated Halloween Day. Older students have organized a haunted house. We have decorated the whole school and we have been terrified. There we have found zombies, dead, scary doll…. We are very happy about the haunted house. Many children and relatives have passed away. Children, remember this for tonight… trick or treat… HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!