Els alumnes de 1r, 2n i 3r hem anat a veure l’obra de teatre en anglès “Little Red” i han gaudit moltísim! Us deixem aquí algunes fotos i  l’historia sobre Little Red and the big bad wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood lives with her mother in a

little house.

One day after breakfast her mother says, “Little Red,

please go shopping for your grandmother”.

Grandmother lives in a little house in the forest. A wolf also lives in the forest.

He is very hungry.

When the wolf sees Little red Riding Hood, he says, “I

have an idea!” and he runs to Grandmother’s house.

When Little Red Riding Hood arrives at

Grandmother’s house she sees the wolf in bed.

“Oh Granny,” says Little Red. “What big eyes you


“All the better to see you with!” says the wolf.

And then Little Red says, “Oh Granny, what big ears

you have!”

“All the better to hear you with!” says the wolf.

And then Little Red says, “Oh Granny, what big teeth you have!”

“All the better to eat you with!” says the wolf and he

jumps out of the bed.

A policeman, working in the forest, hears her. He runs

to the house and rescues Little Red Riding Hood from

the big, bad wolf.

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