My superhero

My superhero
Some superheroes can climb mountains _______________________,
some superheroes can fly in the _______________________.
Some can jump across the _______________________,
some can save the _______________________and the trees.

My best friend can not _______________________.
He isn’t _______________________. He can not fly.
But my best friend is very _______________________.
He’s the kindest, most generous… Llegeix més»

Story 1. A talented boy

Hi there!
We read this story at class:

Here you have the new vocabulary that appeared. I hope it helps you to study and learn new words :). Good luck!












You can also download a list of these words here.

Like, love, hate + ING

We add ING after the verbs: 

  • like / don’t like
  • love / don’t love
  • hate (odiar) / don’t hate

Depending on the end of the verbs, we add (afegir) -ING in different ways (maneres):

  • ING: playing, collecting, going, learning…
  • -E (we eliminate E): make: making / have: having
  • CVC: double consonant: run:… Llegeix més»

Everyone’s welcome at the youth club

Everyone’s welcome at our youth club

I like ______________, climbing. I love scuba diving.

My sister likes ______________, writing and designing.

My brother likes ______________ the clarinet.

I’ve got a friend. He likes ______________ the internet.



Musical, technical, scientific.

Adventurous, sporty or artistic.

We’re all ______________, that’s OK.

We don’t ______________ to be the same.

Everyone’s welcome at our youth club.

Our super ______________,

very cool after ______________ youth club.

Everyone’s welcome at our youth club.


I like juggling, ______________. I love going fishing.

My sister likes reading, ______________ and just thinking.

My brother likes ______________ basketball.

And I’ve got a friend. She ______________ like sport at all.



Download the song

If you want to download the song and listen to it or practise, you can do it here! 🙂

1. Download the lyrics of the song here.

2. Listen to the song here:


3. Listen and sing the karaoke version here:


I hope you enjoy the song as much as we did at class! 🙂

Let’s communicate!

Life is _______________, technology is great!
We’ve got _______________, let’s communicate!
How about a _______________ today?
Call me on my mobile phone.
We’ve got lots to talk about,
I don’t want to feel _______________.
Why not send a _______________?
Turn on your new webcam.
I can see your smiling _______________,
click, click, and here… Llegeix més»