Durant aquests darrers dies d’abril l’escola ha celebrat les seves JORNADES CULTURALS. Hem realitzat diferents activitats de caire cultural on els nens i nenes s’ho han passat d’allò més bé:

  • Experiments amb forces.
  • Contacontes animals i de la llegenda de Sant Jordi.
  • Fisioteràpia i salut.
  • Manualitats enganxifoses.
  • Taller de fang.
  • Batucada instrumental amb instruments realitzats pels alumnes.
  • Xerrada Mossos d’Esquadra.
  • Conferència “Com ser un crac”.
  • Xerrada sobre salut bucodental.

Tanmateix i coincidint amb la festa de Sant Jordi vam celebrar la diada el divendres 21 per la tarda. Es van vendre llibres i plantes al pati de l’escola i els alumnes de 6è van ballar Sardanes.

Volem donar moltes gràcies a totes les famílies per la vostra col·laboració.

Per veure les fotos cliqueu aquí.


During the last days of April, some cultural activities were held in our school and the pupils had lots of fun.

Here you have a list of the activities:

  • Experiments
  • Storytelling about animals and the legend of Saint George
  • Health and Physiotherapy
  • Sticky crafts
  • Mud workshop
  • Batucada with different instruments which were made by pupils
  • A talk that was held by a policeman
  • A conference about how to be brilliant
  • A talk on Oral Health

At the same time, we also celebrated St. George’s day on the 21st of April. Some books and plants were sold in the school playground. Besides, the 6th grade pupils danced “Sardanes”.

We want to thank all families for their participation in these cultural days.

Here you can see the photos.


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