eTwinning project 2018: This is you, this is us

In this school year, the school takes part in an eTwinning project with other schools from around Europe (England, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Spain). The project is called “This is us, this is you”. It is an exchange among these schools that enables our students to learn about different cultures.

The 6th grade students made a video about our school for the eTwinning project. In this video, they show us around the classrooms and all the different areas and then talk about what they do in them. The students put in a great effort and showed a lot of interest in making the video look good.

En el present curs, l’escola participa en un projecte eTwinning (Unió Europea) amb altres escoles d’arreu d’Europa. El projecte s’anomena “This is us, this is you” i permet als alumnes conèixer altres cultures.

Els alumnes de 6è van realitzar un vídeo sobre l’escola pel projecte eTwinning, En aquest vídeo, ens ensenyen les classes i les diferents parts de l’escola, tanmateix parlen d’allò que fan allí. Van ficar-hi molt de la seva part i van mostrar molt interès perquè el vídeo sortís bé.

watch the video here

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