Learning how plants absorb water (5th grade)

SCIENCE EXERIMENT: Colourful lettuces! *

Last week, the fifth grade students made a new experiment which was focused on learning how plants absorb water.


Materials: a glass jar, water, a leaf of lettuce and some food colouring (yellow, blue, red or green).

Questions: Will the lettuce absorb the food colouring? How long will it take to change its colour?


1st- Fill the glass jar with water.

2nd- Add some drops of food colouring (you can choose the colour).

3rd- Put the leaf into the jar.

4th-  Make hypothesis/predictions

5th-  Wait 4 hours to observe any changes.

6th-   After 24 hours, the leaf has changed its colour.

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*Experiment programat dins el GEP (Grup Experimental pel Plurilingüisme).

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